About Us

Church Ministry

Our congregation has 100+ members and gather on all occasion including Sabbath to praise and worship God with all their heart ,soul and their might.

Tracts Ministry

We distributed thousands of tracts, hundreds of new testament, book let's to those who asked us and needy people.

Crusade meetings

We have been conducted crusade meetings to convey the good news, Love of Jesus, importance of Repentance, and coming of Jesus

Films show ministry

By this ministry we prayed to hundreds of people to get relief from bondages and sickness in villages. So many got repentance by seeing JESUS , Gospel films.

Media ministry

During the COVID season God helps us to start media ministry. Through YouTube to broadcast live service on YouTube.

We encourage people to study the Bible and participate in a Bible Quiz conduct through online platform MyQuiz.org. Bible Quiz is available in Tamil , English languages.

My name is pastor G Arunodayam (59)

I was born in a place called Neyveli in Cuddalore didactic in Tamil Nadu in the year 1963 1st February. I was the second child to my parent and I got married with Edith my dear wife.

Though we were the Christian we believed all the belief .we celebrated all festivals and my mother had a principle that all God are same. In later years my mother had a problem in her body and she counted her days to die . A brother in the church prayed for

My mother. she was Healed by that Prayer and received miracle in her body she throw away all the belief but follow JESUS as the real true' God.

my parent brought up me in discipline and church activities, Regular family prayer and so on .

Because of my mother's healing I accepted Jesus in my heart as personal savior.

I got immersion water baptism At the age of 14 in 1978. The family went worshiped the lord in a spirit filled church . I knew that God choose me in my mother's womb. He conceived me in my boyhood. I recognized at the age of 14 . God used me from my boyhood and in my youth to cast out evil spirits . In my adult stage i was not holy so I lost the power of Holy Spirit. I turned away from God .

From the year 1979 -1988 , I wasted my time and calling

I spoke to God on the New Year’s Eve of 1988 ." God I’ was not useful to me and to you . I lost my holiness. Please give your holiness again " . The God replied me to go to the spiritual church which I had been left . The month of June 1988i took three days fasting day and night for my future , on that day A pastor from Kanyakumari who was doing ministry in Sankagiri near Salem Came to my house he put his hand upon me praise the lord I got Holy Spirit with different tongs.

Thanks for taking time to read my brief testimony

Thank you.

May God bless you

Pastor G Arunodayam

All glory to God.!